Using an Adult-Sized Underwear Panel for a Workout Bra
This week I was cutting into fabric to make my daughters’ another dress when I realized the fabric I chose included stripes which was next weeks sewing challenge in the group I’m in on Facebook. I set it aside but reached a block when trying to think of what would fit this week’s challenge for the group.
A while back I bought a pattern for Stitch Upon a Time’s Brazi Bra and Dress and had only sewn the bra once. This week’s challenge was to sew something that included stars, since the 4th of July is coming up, and in my head I somehow equated the criss cross straps on the back of the Brazi with a star and decided to sew up another wearable muslin of that pattern. The last time I sewed this up I used lime green fabric with pink polka-dots that I received in a mystery box, so this time I went looking through my fabric stash for a fabric I liked more to make working out seem more fun.
I came across a Wonder Woman adult underwear panel I had ordered through Whimsy Custom Fabrics and decided that it would be perfect for a workout bra! I love the quote included on the fabric and the stars on the matching panel perfectly matched this week’s sewing challenge… the saving factor when I finally realized that the criss cross straps on the back weren’t in fact a star.

Materials Needed
- Workout bra pattern – Stitch Upon a Time’s Brazi Bra and Dress
- Adult Underwear Panel – the one I used measured about 18.5″ x 39″ and consisted of two panels.
- Extra matching fabric – I had bought white cotton lycra previously
- Sewing machine, clips, and whatever else your pattern needs
I’m currently sewing up the Brazi as a wearable muslin so I can eventually make a dress or nightgown with a fitted bra included in it. The first time I went to sew it I didn’t include bra cups as I was getting a feel for the pattern. I had also lost the pattern and had to reprint it. Since I found the original pattern I realized I had cut the pattern a bit skinnier than needed. I debated back on forth on which pattern pieced I should use until I decided the skinnier cut one was now a ‘custom alteration’ and I cut my new fabric with that pattern piece.

Cutting the Underwear Panel
I decided to put Wonder Woman and her quote on the back of the Brazi and let the starred panel go on the front. I started by cutting out Wonder Woman as that was the most important piece to center. I debated placing her towards the side of the back of the Brazi but didn’t have enough width for that. Instead I centered her and then increased the bottom and top of the pattern to be sure she wouldn’t be cut off in the seam allowance while sewing it.

After cutting the pattern piece out I traced the altered shape onto another sheet of paper so I’d have it available for the next Brazi I sewed up… or to cut out the lining fabric with the while cotton lycra afterwards.

I cut out a size 6 Brazi but if you’re cutting out a larger one or using a smaller panel you may have to color block. With Ada’s magic school bus Magnolia dress the panel was a bit too skinny so I took some of the panel scraps from Zoey’s dress and sewed it to the left and right side of the panel so the magic school bus would still be centered. With the seam allowance the finished dress only had a small triangle of fabric showing in the end.
Next for the front of the dress I cut into the starred side of the underwear panel. I was slightly disappointed when the straps ended up coming up too short to cross into the white of the fabric. If I were to do this again I could see maybe making the straps longer (and the back straps shorter) or moving the pattern piece up more. I’m wondering if the join on the back of the straps would be less jarring if the fabric matched and the pattern change was up higher.

After cutting out those two pattern pieces all I had left was the scraps. I looked into using this to cut the band at the bottom but didn’t have enough continuous fabric. I set aside the fabric and went on to cut the rest of the pieces (bottom band and lining) with my white cotton lycra.

Since this was a wearable muslin I decided to experiment more by including the sewn-in bra cups. I hadn’t been planning ahead and didn’t have any on hand. Being a bit lazy I decided to take an unwearable bra and use my seam ripper to cut the cups out from the rest of the bra.

Finished Bra
I unfortunately sewed my bra cups in too high so I don’t have as much coverage as I’d like at the top and the elastic where the band was sewn on is too low. Overall I still love the bra and figure the awesome underwear panel’s pattern will help me kick butt. I’ve also learnt how to sew it a bit better for the next time.

One thing I love about sewing is experimenting with cool patterns and fabric. I love how I can fully enjoy my wearable muslins while perfecting the fit of a garment. Though I’m also excited to have that perfect fitting pattern you can keep sewing up with different fabric too.
I purchased the adult underwear panel from a March preorder (you order your fabric over the month, it closes, its printed, and when they get the fabric in it’s then cut and shipped to you). Right now they still have the Wonder Woman panel, though the coordinating starred fabric is only available in French Terry. The Brazi pattern can be found here.
I hope this helps you especially if you saw the underwear panels floating around through the many fabric groups and were debating what to sew with them. I’d love to hear more ideas from you on what you’ve sewn with your panels. Feel free to share in the comments below, through a post on my Facebook page, or tag me through Instagram. Hope you have a great day!