Simple Quick Dresser Drawer Fix
A couple of years ago I noticed the bottom of Zoey’s dresser drawers were falling out from the weight of her clothing. Ada, Zoey, and I got to work fixing the dresser drawers while I stopped to take the odd photo and then forgot to share it. About a year later I noticed a different drawer base bowing with it’s weight so once again we fixed it with a hot glue gun. This is such a simple fix so I had to share as it’s withheld the weight of Zoey’s clothing for quite some time and when or if the glue finally lets go you can easily glue it again. I hope it helps you out.

UPDATE: This worked for a while but I did have to update a drawer later on. That time around I upcycled some cardboard to help hold the drawer bottom up. If you're interested in the update you can find it here.
The first drawer had the bottom bow down out the drawer. This wasn’t too bad as the sides were still connected and it was caught before it got worse. For this one I fixed it by flipping the drawer over, plugged in my trusty hot glue gun, pressed down on the center of the drawer base so it’s flat and lined up with the groove in the dresser drawer framework, and glued it in place. A hot glue gun dries quickly so you don’t have to hold it in place for too long. I did notice that if you go over a space that was already glued the heat from the new glue can melt the old glue so I was careful to keep a hand on the base to keep it in place the entire time I glued just in case it popped up again.

The next dresser drawer was a bit more of an issue; although still really simple to fix. The top drawer’s base was only held in on the one side leaving the other side and back completely disconnected. This meant the open corner had fallen out of the drawer and was resting on the clothing in the drawer below it. I only discovered this when both drawers were open at the same time and Zoey, and then me, had trouble closing the top drawer as the back of the drawer below it was blocking it. At that point I took out all of her clothing out of the drawer to discover this issue. Once discovered I pulled it out, flipped it upside down, and went to grab my glue gun for a quick fix. After my glue gun heated up I pressed the drawer base back into place and then glued it so it couldn’t shift. I made sure the glue attached to the framework, bottom of the drawer, and extended out a bit to act like a ledge for the drawer bottom. To be extra careful I glued down all three sides only leaving the front alone.

I truly didn’t think it would last as long as it did. Since I was writing this I went and checked her dresser drawers and found only the one drawer has since released again. It wasn’t too troublesome yet so I don’t know how long it would’ve taken to discover if I wasn’t posting this. I easily pulled the drawer out, glued it down, and we’re good to go for another year or more again.

I can’t believe the glue gun hack, which was so simple to use, has lasted so long. I love that I was able to fix the dresser drawer as soon as I noticed it was truly broken and didn’t even have to leave the house or order something to do it. I hope this can help you out if you’re discovering a similar issue. If it does help you I’d love to hear about it in the comments below, on my Facebook page, or through Instagram. I hope your day is looking up now.