Simple Soapy Water Play

Simple Soapy Water Play

Change up your kids’ sensory play by using dish soap bubbles made in your blender. So many bubbles to play with and it’s so simple to make. The best part is your essentially further cleaning your appliance and giving your kids a fun activity while you’re at it.

Simple Soapy Water Play


  • Bin
  • Water
  • Dish soap
  • (optional) food dye or liquid watercolors
  • A blender is quickest to make the bubbles though I’ve used a stand mixer before with the whisk attachment

The other day while the kids were playing with slime Ada requested water to wash off her slime toys. We frequently extend the play with water but something reminded me of another time where I used my stand mixer to make bubbles for the girls. I decided to switch up their play by using my blender to make the girls bubbles to play in instead.

This idea came about after the kids played with slime and wanted to wash their slime toys.
This idea came about after the kids played with slime and wanted to wash their slime toys.

I started by cleaning up the slime and giving the kids their sensory play containers.

First I gave them their individual sensory bins.
First I gave them their individual sensory bins.

I then added dish soap, water, and a couple drops of blue food dye to my blender. If you don’t have a blender I made this several times with the whisk attachment in the stand mixer. The stand mixer works just as well you just have to have it on for longer. If you don’t have either then you can add the soap and water to a jar or plastic bottle and shaking it up.

Add water, dish soap, and a couple drops of food dye or liquid watercolors if you want to add a color.
Add water, dish soap, and a couple drops of food dye or liquid watercolors if you want to add a color.
And blend it up.
And blend it up.

Once I had the bubbles I poured it into each kids’ bin and let them play with it.

And then pour the tinted bubbles into the sensory bins for bubbly fun.
And then pour the tinted bubbles into the sensory bins for bubbly fun.
Feels great and you have to go digging for any toys you may have.
Feels great and you have to go digging for any toys you may have.
Or your toys may have a conversation with each other while covered in bubbles.
Or your toys may have a conversation with each other while covered in bubbles.

Any watery mess can be easily cleaned up by a towel and you can let them in on the ‘fun’.

Caution. The table may get soaked.
Caution. The table may get soaked.
Just give your kids a kitchen towel and get them dry it all up.
Just give your kids a kitchen towel and get them to dry it all up.

And another fun activity was had. You can extend this further by adding more toys to the ‘bath’. Funnels and cups would also be fun to pour with. Baking supplies like baking cups, spoons, and bowls would also be a blast.

I hope you enjoyed this simple yet fun activity and were able to relax or knock something off your list in the area while they were playing. Feel free to share in the comments below, post on my Facebook page, or connect with me on Instagram. Have a great day!

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